“My Shaped Story Book: Aladdin” is an enchanting journey for young readers. This vibrant board book combines storytelling with interactive elements, captivating children with its colorful illustrations and engaging narrative. From the bustling streets of Agrabah to the magical wonders of the genie’s lamp, the book brings Aladdin’s adventurous tale to life. With its unique shape and sturdy pages, it’s designed to withstand the curiosity of little hands. Each turn of the page reveals a new twist in Aladdin’s quest for love and adventure, fostering imagination and love for reading in young minds.
Hello Book Aladdin Story Book (Die Cut Board Book)
₹199.00 ₹189.00
“My Shaped Story Book: Aladdin” is an enchanting journey for young readers. This vibrant board book combines storytelling with interactive elements, captivating children with its colorful illustrations and engaging narrative. From the bustling streets of Agrabah to the magical wonders of the genie’s lamp, the book brings Aladdin’s adventurous tale to life. With its unique shape and sturdy pages, it’s designed to withstand the curiosity of little hands. Each turn of the page reveals a new twist in Aladdin’s quest for love and adventure, fostering imagination and love for reading in young minds.
SKU: 9789355413741
Categories: Board Books, English, Hello Friend Books, Story Books
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