Full Marks CBSE Science for Class 6


Book Description

FULL MARKS Science Class 6 CBSE (2022-2023) has been thoroughly revised in view of the recent Examination Reforms propounded by the CBSE. The revised edition of this book is a complete support book based on the latest NCERT textbook. This provides all sorts of study-cum practice material and thus builds up strong confidence in the learners. It is an up-to-date, dependable and learner-friendly resource as per the guidelines of CBSE.


Table Of Contents * Food: Where Does It Come From? * Components of Food * Fibre to Fabric * Sorting Materials into Groups * Separation of Substances * Changes Around Us * Getting to Know Plants * Body Movements * The Living Organisms and Their Surroudings * Motion and Measurement of Distances * Light, Shadows and Reflections * Electricity and Circuits * Fun with Magnets * Water *

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Full Marks CBSE Science for Class 6