Blueprint Physical Education Lab Manual for Class 11-12 (Combined)


Blueprint’s Physical Education Lab Manual for classes 11 & 12 (combined) has been prepared according to the latest syllabus and guidelines prescribed by CBSE/ISC, New Delhi. It is a compendium of updated information and essential facts about different games and sports which possess a subject of interest for today’s youth. The description given in the book is completely factual and updated. The figures, graphs and diagrams are optimally labelled and represented, and the images incorporated along with the description create a beautiful pictorial visual of the real-time experience of sports, games and physical activities. The names of all award winners, record holders, and achievers, national as well international, in the field of games and sports, have been enlisted in a distinguished section to enhance general awareness of learners in the field of games and sports. The book has been prepared keeping in view each and every aspect of sports, starting from its origin.

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Blueprint Physical Education Lab Manual for Class 11-12 (Combined)