“Dive into the enchanting world of “Baby’s First Farm Animals Puzzle Board Book” by GOWOO, an educational treasure designed for children ages 3-12. This charming 6.75×6.75 inch board book features three captivating jigsaw puzzles, each depicting beloved farm animals in vibrant, engaging illustrations. Perfectly crafted for tiny hands, each puzzle promotes essential developmental skills such as problem-solving, fine motor skills, and spatial awareness. As children piece together these puzzles, they embark on a delightful journey through the farm, discovering the animals that call it home. GOWOO’s dedication to quality ensures a durable and interactive experience, ideal for both independent exploration and shared learning moments with caregivers. Whether at playtime or bedtime, “Baby’s First Farm Animals Puzzle Board Book” captivates young hearts and minds, fostering a love for learning and exploration that will endure for years to come.”
Gowoo Baby’s First Farm Animals Puzzle Board Book
₹200.00 ₹190.00
“Dive into the enchanting world of “Baby’s First Farm Animals Puzzle Board Book” by GOWOO, an educational treasure designed for children ages 3-12. This charming 6.75×6.75 inch board book features three captivating jigsaw puzzles, each depicting beloved farm animals in vibrant, engaging illustrations. Perfectly crafted for tiny hands, each puzzle promotes essential developmental skills such as problem-solving, fine motor skills, and spatial awareness. As children piece together these puzzles, they embark on a delightful journey through the farm, discovering the animals that call it home. GOWOO’s dedication to quality ensures a durable and interactive experience, ideal for both independent exploration and shared learning moments with caregivers. Whether at playtime or bedtime, “Baby’s First Farm Animals Puzzle Board Book” captivates young hearts and minds, fostering a love for learning and exploration that will endure for years to come.”