IT Bytes Connect 1 to 8, a revised edition, incorporates the latest recommendations of CISCE curriculum and National Education Policy 2020. The series is reinforced with a variety of exercise types that boost the learning, promote critical and analytical thinking skills, and foster problem-solving skills in the young learners. Based on Windows 10 and MS Office 2016, it also covers a variety of topics like Paint, Scratch, HTML, App Development and Java.
Launch & Learn is a fun activity that sets the tone of the chapter.
Fact Flow provides additional interesting tit-bits related to the topic.
Tech Fix suggests shortcuts or additional tips.
Revision Point gives a recap of the main concepts of the topic.
Exercises offer a wide range of questions to hone theoretical and analytical skills.
Project Work in Books 3–5, with self and peer assessment rubrics, encourages independent
thinking, creativity, research skills and a collaborative spirit.
Activity Point includes activities for hands-on practice.
Computational Thinking helps foster coding skills in students.
App Whizz is a handout on the working of interesting software/technology in each book.