In “Lion and the Mouse – Aesop’s Fables Book,” readers delve into a tale of unexpected kindness and reciprocity. Each page unveils the story of a mighty lion trapped by hunters, saved by a small mouse. With vivid illustrations and compelling storytelling, readers witness the lion’s initial disdain turn to gratitude when the mouse frees him. Through this act of compassion, the lion spares the mouse’s life, teaching a powerful lesson about the value of kindness and the potential for help from unexpected sources. Perfect for young readers, it instills empathy and the understanding that even the smallest acts of kindness can have great significance.
Hello Book Ever Enchanted Aesop’s Fables (Lion and the Mouse) Book 3
In “Lion and the Mouse – Aesop’s Fables Book,” readers delve into a tale of unexpected kindness and reciprocity. Each page unveils the story of a mighty lion trapped by hunters, saved by a small mouse. With vivid illustrations and compelling storytelling, readers witness the lion’s initial disdain turn to gratitude when the mouse frees him. Through this act of compassion, the lion spares the mouse’s life, teaching a powerful lesson about the value of kindness and the potential for help from unexpected sources. Perfect for young readers, it instills empathy and the understanding that even the smallest acts of kindness can have great significance.
SKU: 9789355416346
Categories: Hello Friend Books, Activity Books, Story Books, English
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