“Little Lion” Puppet Book brings the savanna to life in an enchanting tale of courage and friendship. Each page features captivating illustrations and an adorable lion puppet, inviting young readers to join Little Lion on a thrilling adventure. From exploring the grasslands to encountering other animals, this interactive book offers engaging storytelling and imaginative play. With its durable puppet and engaging storyline, it provides hours of entertainment for young children. Perfect for sparking creativity and fostering empathy, “Little Lion” Puppet Book is a delightful addition to any child’s collection, inspiring laughter and joy while teaching valuable lessons about bravery and compassion.
Hello Book Little Lion (Puppet Book)
₹225.00 ₹215.00
“Little Lion” Puppet Book brings the savanna to life in an enchanting tale of courage and friendship. Each page features captivating illustrations and an adorable lion puppet, inviting young readers to join Little Lion on a thrilling adventure. From exploring the grasslands to encountering other animals, this interactive book offers engaging storytelling and imaginative play. With its durable puppet and engaging storyline, it provides hours of entertainment for young children. Perfect for sparking creativity and fostering empathy, “Little Lion” Puppet Book is a delightful addition to any child’s collection, inspiring laughter and joy while teaching valuable lessons about bravery and compassion.
SKU: 9789355414960
Categories: Activity Books, Board Books, English, Hello Friend Books, Story Books
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