Icon 7 Computer Book for classes 1 to 8 is an erudite and comprehensive effort to modernize the dissemination of the knowledge of core and applied computer science. The computer has established itself as the biggest innovation of mankind. it has become a basic necessity that has influenced every aspect of our life. Computer science has been accepted as an integral part of the school curriculum. Hence, it is important to familiarize our children with children and make them digitally literate as early as possible.
Kips Learning Icon7 Based on Windows 7 With MS Office 2007 version Textbook for Class 1
₹230 ₹207
Icon 7 Computer Book for classes 1 to 8 is an erudite and comprehensive effort to modernize the dissemination of the knowledge of core and applied computer science. The computer has established itself as the biggest innovation of mankind.
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SKU: 9789386284402
Categories: CBSE Board, Class 1, Computer Science, English, Kips Books, Text Books
Tags: buy online books, buy textbooks, online buy book, online buy school books sets, school books
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