• Before We Begin—activities and probing questions to generate curiosity about the new
• Lessons—stories, poems and real-life narratives to teach key concepts
• Word Smart—meanings of new words to build vocabulary
• Did You Know?—interesting snippets related to the lesson to impart additional learning
• Remember—a recapitulation of the key concepts
Macmillan Green Leaf Environmental Studies for Class 1
₹370 ₹365
Green Leaf is a series of five textbooks on Environmental Studies based on NCERT learning outcomes.
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SKU: 9789389466294
Categories: CBSE Board, Class 1, English, Environmental Education, Macmillan Education Books, Text Books
Green Leaf is a series of five textbooks on Environmental Studies based on NCERT learning outcomes. The series is designed and developed to create awareness among learners about their immediate and wider surroundings through real-life experiences and to nurture natural curiosity and creativity, and develop sensitivity for the natural and human resources in the environment.
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