Madhubun Lab Manual Science for Class 6


Laboratory Manual for Science is a series of five books for classes 6 to 10. These are complimentary to the Science textbooks of the respective classes. The manuals cover a wide range of age-appropriate experiments that give hands-on experience to the students. The experiments help students verify scientific truths and principles, and at the same time, expose them to the basic tools and techniques used in scientific investigations. Our manuals aim not only to help students better comprehend the scientific concepts taught in their textbooks but also to igni

  • Relevant information on light microscopes, common apparatus used in the lab, some common chemical compounds and their formulae (in Classes 6 to 10), and temporary mount glass slide (in Classes 9 and 10)
  • Properly labelled diagrams
  • A common format for all the experiments that includes
  • clear and comprehensively explained concepts in Theory
Madhubun Lab Manual Science for Class 6