Madhubun The District cup for Class 8


alented players, hard-working coaches-the U-13 Maulsari Eagles is a team that has what it takes. Yet, challenges of all kinds hold them back from realizing their true potential. Prithvi, the midfielder, must wrestle against his father’s resistance; while Kadambini, the winger, battles gender bias; even as Siraj, the head coach, leads a fight against the mammoth system, plagued by blatant corruption and rampant age fraud.

The Eagles have a fighting chance, but they also have much to lose. From survival to self-worth, from pride to glory, there’s much at stake in this battle against the odds. Can their crusade herald a new era in Indian football? Can they strike their way through to their goal?

In time for FIFA world cup, The District Cup is a perfect read for sports lovers!

Madhubun The District cup for Class 8