Creative Hands ART and CRAFT Books-5 includes different range of fun activities including colouring Trace and Color Join the Dots Bindi Pasting Thumb Printing Match and Color Draw Pattern Draw in Grid Origami Activities Sticker Pasting Activities Half Draw and Color Pencil Shaving Pasting Vegetable Printing Tissue Paper Pasting Wool Pasting Cotton Balls Pasting Glitter Pasting Paper Tearing Painting etc Your child is sure to get lost in these fun activities This book will not only help to grow the creativity of your child in an innovative way but also develop the power of imagination as well as the skill of using the waste material in an attractive way All the material in order to carry out the activities has been provided at the end of the book.
Manoj Creative Hands Art and Craft 5
₹350 ₹340
Creative Hands ART and CRAFT Books-5 includes different range of fun activities including colouring Trace and Color Join the Dots Bindi Pasting Thumb Printing Match and Color Draw Pattern Draw in Grid Origami Activities Sticker Pasting Activities Half Draw and Color Pencil Shaving Pasting Vegetable Printing Tissue Paper Pasting Wool Pasting Cotton Balls Pasting Glitter Pasting Paper Tearing Painting etc Your child is sure to get lost in these fun activities This book will not only help to grow the creativity of your child in an innovative way but also develop the power of imagination as well as the skill of using the waste material in an attractive way All the material in order to carry out the activities has been provided at the end of the book.