G K Explorer 0 book is specially designed for PP2 or UKG Students. Children are natural learners and knowledge is ever growing, changing, updating very fast. Children of today’s generation are fast growing. They are well aware about their surroundings and events. The General Knowledge is vital for the students in their career. It is like an ocean and we picked a drop from it for the benefit of the students. Students love to be updated with the latest information.
Manoj G K Explorer 0
G K Explorer 0 book is specially designed for PP2 or UKG Students. Children are natural learners and knowledge is ever growing, changing, updating very fast. Children of today’s generation are fast growing. They are well aware about their surroundings and events. The General Knowledge is vital for the students in their career. It is like an ocean and we picked a drop from it for the benefit of the students. Students love to be updated with the latest information.
SKU: 9788131012628
Categories: CBSE Board, English, General Knowledge, Manoj Publication, Practice / Workbooks, UKG
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