Manoj Level 1 Nutty and Birdie


The “Little Friends Moral Stories (Level-1) Series” is an enchanting collection of eight carefully curated tales for young readers. Sized at 8.5 x 8.1 inches, they boast durable glossy covers and pin binding, designed for little hands. High-quality art paper enhances the tactile and visual experience, complemented by captivating illustrations. Discover these heartwarming stories: “Nutty and Birdie”: Chipper Nutty the chipmunk celebrates diversity, friendship, and finding common ground. This series offers more than bedtime stories; it’s a treasure trove of life lessons in a visually engaging format. Parents and educators can use these tales to instil ethics, character, and wisdom in young readers. Whether shared nightly or explored independently, this story offer endless opportunities for learning, discussion, and the joy of reading. Immerse your child in this extraordinary series and let the Little Friends lead them on a journey of imagination, growth, and moral development.

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Manoj Level 1 Nutty and Birdie