Once upon a time, there lived a Pigeon. It was passing its days happily. One day while he was sitting on a tree beside a river, he saw an ant. The ant was thirsty. So it went to the river to drink water. While trying to drink water, the ant slipped and fell into the river. It was about to die. The Pigeon saw it. Then it plucked a leaf and dropped it on the river water. The ant got on the leaf and came to the land. It thanked the Pigeon for saving his life.
The ant promised to help the dove. One day the Pigeon was sitting on the same tree. There was a hunter. The hunter aimed at the Pigeon. The ant saw it. When the hunter was about to shoot the dove, the ant bit him in the leg. The hunter missed his aim. In a moment the Pigeon flew away. Thus the ant also saved the life of the Pigeon. Both of them became good friends. They promised to help each other in their joys and sorrows. From reading this story we learn that we should help others in their distress.
Manoj Moral Story The Ant & The Pigeon
Once upon a time, there lived a Pigeon. It was passing its days happily. One day while he was sitting on a tree beside a river, he saw an ant. The ant was thirsty. So it went to the river to drink water. While trying to drink water, the ant slipped and fell into the river.
SKU: 9788131008720
Categories: English, Manoj Publication, Moral Stories, Story Books
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