Based on the latest curriculum, these manuals contain a brief history of each sport followed by the main tips at a glance as well as fundamental skills, terminologies, latest rules, awards, etc, along with ample images. These manuals also include plenty of questions with answers for viva voce. These are updated with the latest sports literature along with illustrated figures and diagrams.
New Saraswati Lab Manual Health & Physical Education for Class 12
₹330 ₹297
Based on the latest curriculum, these manuals contain a brief history of each sport followed by the main tips at a glance as well as fundamental skills, terminologies, latest rules, awards, etc, along with ample images.
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SKU: 9789355571007
Categories: Activity books / Lab Manuals, CBSE Board, Class 12, English, New Saraswati House, Physical and Health Education
Tags: buy online books, buy textbooks, NEW SARASWATI HOUSE, online buy book, school books
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