Scholar Hub Behaviour Problems in Young Children


Behavioral Problems in Young Children There are two reasons why a primary care pediatrician should be oriented in problems and management of behavioral disorders in children and adolescents. The first is that they are the first contact physician and they get to interact with the children and their families regularly. If they can detect the behavioral problems early then it can be approached in the initial stage. The second reason is that on a broader perspective that there is some overlap between behavioral pediatrics and child psychiatry. The severe shortage of both child psychiatrists and behavioral pediatricians has encouraged primary care clinicians or pediatric practitioners to manage these various issues of behavioral pediatrics. Today, most of the parents are aware and well-oriented about various developmental issues in children. There is no unequivocal line dividing the normal and abnormal behavior in children and adolescents. It is often subjective, situational and sometimes glaring. Pervasiveness across situations and impairment are probably the two most important threshold criteria. This book addresses general concepts and important topics of behavioral problems in young children.

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