Positive values do not flower in a vacuum. To thrive, they need a loving, caring and a mutually interactive environment. Family, school and the neighbourhood are largely responsible for nurturing them. Once positive values are imbibed and internalised, they act as internal compasses, guiding the children, helping them to prioritise and make sound decisions. This series of six booklets attempts to take a teeny-weeny step towards that direction.
Scholar Hub Cuty Eats Her Food 4
Positive values do not flower in a vacuum. To thrive, they need a loving, caring and a mutually interactive environment. Family, school and the neighbourhood are largely responsible for nurturing them. Once positive values are imbibed and internalised, they act as internal compasses, guiding the children, helping them to prioritise and make sound decisions. This series of six booklets attempts to take a teeny-weeny step towards that direction.
SKU: 9788183532815
Categories: English, Scholars hub Publishers, Story Books
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